Dream Hole-in-One

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By Diego B

  • 3 Replies
  1. May 18, 2024 may have been the perfect day. I am a CPA, having worked at my firm for over 14 years now. I was playing golf with three other well-respected partners in the firm: the Denver office leader, the West region leader and a super cool partner out of Phoenix. Not only were we playing golf on what was the most beautiful day of the year to that point in Colorado, but we were playing at one of my two favorite (and now my sole favorite) golf courses in Colorado, Colorado Golf Club (home to the 2013 Solheim and included in the 2023 USGA Amateur Championship). Earlier that week, I had seen hole #11 - a par 3 174 yard hole with a two-tiered green - on the partner's desktop wallpaper at work. I proceeded to comment for a few minutes on how much I disliked that hole and how I never played it well (the three other times I'd played CGC in my life). Back to that Friday, we're approaching the tee box and I'm recounting to our third and the forecaddie the story of seeing the hole on the wallpaper on Tuesday and how I commented how much I disliked that hole. We laughed at how dramatic I was being about my hatred for that hole (but trust me, with the water, the large bunker, the two tiers and the history I had, it was warranted). At any rate, player one hit shot and it was 12 ft away for birdie. Player two hit his shot and it was 35 feet from the hole on the upper tier. Player three was down at the red tees so I was last to tee off from this box. The hole, with slope, played 153, and because I hit the ball like I'm on the Super Senior PGA Tour (and only 38) I played a 6-iron. I got up to the ball, focused on a good strike and saw the ball fly off the tee. As soon as it came off the tee, I heard "oh be good." In my head I felt like it was very premature as the ball I hit started about 30 yards left of the green (with the cup being lower-tier center of the green). My natural fade then kicked in. 29 years of playing that shot were about to pay as the ball cut toward the hole. As the ball hit the green I blacked out and had an out of body experience like I was all of a sudden watching from heaven (or hell, I shouldn't presumptuous). Either way the ball hit the green, the screams from the group got louder for the ball to "go in!!" and I was frozen like a wooly mammoth or someone who'd just seen a ghost. I watched as the ball moved about 20 ft from left to right and .... down .... into ..... the ..... hole!!!! We all screamed like children in a playground after witnessing something we'd never seen before. Nobody in the group had a hole in one and this was the first for any of us to see live! We jumped and screamed and high-fived. It was magic. As we walked back to the cart I saw groups over on other holes go back to their business and realized we had stopped the course with our antics. My cart partner looked over at me and said "dude are you OK???? you're super pale." I barely had enough breath to get any words out because I was so stunned that had actually just happened - and not just the hole in one, but on a course that I loved dearly and on a hole that I threw severe shade at all week right up until the point I hit the ball. What an amazing feeling. I hope everyone who loves golf gets to experience that feeling. If I had one wish, that's what I'd use it on. That's how incredible of a feeling it was.

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  2. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    SOunds like an awesome day, congratulations!
  3. Jerome C

    Jerome C
    London Ontario Canada

  4. Dino S

    Dino S


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