Iron headcovers, or no?

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By Adam H

  • 127 Replies
  1. Adam H

    Adam H
    Marietta, Ohio

    Hey all, Hope everyone is getting to play some winter golf, played today in 29 degree stupidity. Anyway, I recently purchased a set of 716 AP2'S, and I really want to keep them in top shape. I have a set of iron covers, but I think I recall reading that using them can cause moisture to build up, and rust the clubs quickly. Thoughts? Advice? Previous experiences? I.clean them after every round, just wondering if I should use the headcoversame? Thanks in advance, keep em in the short grass. Happy golfing, Adam

  2. Dougie Y

    Dougie Y

    Hey Adam

    I use iron covers for the same reason to keep my bats nice & chip free but to also stop the clang clang of the clubs when carrying as the sound really bugs me.

    As long as you clean & dry both clubs & covers along with your bag etc when you get home after they get wet then you'll have no problems
    I have used the covers for several years now & take some stick for it but hey it's my clubs my bag they cost a lot of money & im just looking after my investment.

    Picture of my set up (excuse he old cobra woods)
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  3. Darron K

    Darron K
    Fate, TX

    Dougie Y said:

    Hey Adam

    I use iron covers for the same reason to keep my bats nice & chip free but to also stop the clang clang of the clubs when carrying as the sound really bugs me.

    As long as you clean & dry both clubs & covers along with your bag etc when you get home after they get wet then you'll have no problems
    I have used the covers for several years now & take some stick for it but hey it's my clubs my bag they cost a lot of money & im just looking after my investment.

    Picture of my set up (excuse he old cobra woods)
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    Same here, what Dougie said. My set of iron covers have a zipper.
  4. I personally can't stand iron headcovers. It increases the opportunity for rust, and slows the pace of play. Just my opinion.
  5. I've been using them for years. I always wipe my clubs after each shot. Clubs always stay in the house. Never a problem. Personal preference, but hey, I've got a lot of money invested in them. Everyone has their own opinion, but their yours,do what you want!
  6. JAYW3


    I wouldn't use them.
  7. PRO V

    PRO V
    golf course

    Adam, I have an extremely strong opinion on iron covers. Never! Love to cover my metals because of the beauty of the paint, but irons are more beautiful the more they are used. The nicks and the banging of them, not to mention the sound, is like a Zen garden that heals the spirit and soul and has all the elements of true music when they knock against each other. Titleist clubs were made, imagined, engineered and manufactured to be used, not to be put in a museum. Use your clubs to their max, then get new ones! Have fun and enjoy!
  8. Not !!!! They are beautiful brand new and without knicks ans dings from clanging around in the bag, just personal opinion.
  9. Carl T

    Carl T
    Little Rock, AR

    No to iron covers. Even on my driver the cover comes off during the round because I am going to use it 13 or 14 times. Saves time and nothing makes golf more miserable than slow play. By the way when using a cart, after you hit the ball just jump back in and wait to put that club back in the bag when you stop for your next shot. You can put the club back in the bag at the same time you get out the next club.
  10. Carl T, lemme understand. You take your driver cover off after your first drive and then, once unsheathed, the club remains uncovered until the parking lot? Because of time?

    OK, I completely see how someone who does this would question the validity of any measure taken to protect the appearance of their clubs because yours must look like they've been through a hail storm.

    As to slow play, this is not an issue the PGA (and PGA tour for that matter) have been asleep on. Data first published in 2004 has been supported by subsequent findings. Slow play top causes are:

    25 factors assessed over 2 years, CLUBHEAD COVERS, not surprisingly, not on the list, nor is club management (in any form).

    Slow play is the result of a bigger problem, lack of class on the golf course. Good luck with that one.
  11. Of course this isn’t a problem on the pga tour.. Name a pga tour player that uses iron covers.
  12. Aaron Raí -euro tour. I am considering them to protect my Miura Irons, but have not made a decision
  13. I think hitting your driver 13-14 times is more of a red flag then using iron head covers lmao
  14. N Anthony S

    N Anthony S
    Virginia Beach, VA

    Personally I don't like using covers on my irons. Probably because I am lazy and don't want to take the time to remove them to just have to put them back on again. Wasted effort to me. Only my woods do I use covers.
  15. RRomanowicz

    New Bedford, Massachusetts

    iron headcovers = no tour sauce
  16. Greg B

    Greg B
    Shelby, NC

    Personally I use them on mine, clubs cost too much not to take care of them. But each to his own.
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  17. Iron covers lead to rust unless you're VERY diligent about taking them off and cleaning the heads after every round. Even on non-rainy days moisture can get into the covers from the clubs and will cause issues when you put them back on.
    They also slow pace of play.
    That's the logic stuff...the real answer to why you shouldn't use them ? Any player who sees them will assume that you are one of those people who has a little set of beads to keep score, who has 11 training aids at home and two in your bag, probably uses a "switchblade" divot tool, and has one of those little plastic things to make sure you draw a straight alignment line in your ball. Of course, none of this might apply to you at all
  18. There's a stigma related to switchblade divot tools? Lol.
  19. My divot tool also functions as a club/cigar holder, removable ball marker and beer shotgun tool and there’s no stigma around that.
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  20. Gabriel G

    Gabriel G
    Cedar Park, TX

    I never use iron head covers. But I did buy a set to protect my irons on a trip to Mexico. They worked very well, the extra padding kept the clubs from rattling. My clubs made it to Mexico and back with no problems at all. I don't like people who use them in play, it slows down everything. Then they lose one and spend time looking for it. While I stand there waiting for them to return.
  21. Like the idea of using them for travel!
  22. Or, they might assume that you want to protect your investment. Really, who cares what somebody thinks? I get to my ball, i select my stick, take off the cover, stick it in my pocket, hit my shot, and as I'm walking back to the cart, i put said cover back on. No pace of play infringement, and for the love of Pete, no worries on rust! If your clubs are rusting, perhaps you need a lesson in wiping your clubs down after a round.
  23. Rick R

    Rick R
    Graham, WA

    I have covers on everything. I like the look, and I can't afford to update my equipment through every design change. I like to keep my gear looking as nice as possible as long as I can. Though the sound of club chatter is quite enticing while out on the course, I just can't stand the beating they get while they are doing it.
  24. jeff l

    jeff l
    alsip, IL

    Say no to headcovers it mostly leads to slow play cause of people cleaning there club before they put it back in the bag or they can't find it lol
  25. harry h

    harry h
    Lasvegas, NV

    I for one because I love the titleist brand so much! Use see thru iron covers have for years I want to kept my irons looking new ! I play twice a week on avg clubs get wiped after every shot and I don't slow down play ! It's a personal choice but I for one will always do this.
  26. Steve G

    Steve G
    Kensington, MD

    IMHO I would not use them.
  27. Clubs cost to much to not take care of them and clean them after every shot it takes a whole 10 seconds. If they slow your play too much you must be playing Speed Golf
  28. Yes covers. Play the clubs twice as long and you keep value (gift, resale, second set). Once I'm out on the course, I only have them on every other iron (but on all drivers and hybrids always).
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  29. Richard I

    Richard I
    Bucyrus, OH

    I have used iron head cover for many years as I hate to see dinged - up iron heads. My 910 AP2's look great, almost perfect except a bit of face wear and never had any rust issues. My new AP3's will never be w/o a cover also. It does take a bit of time to pull off and put on but a long as your ready to hit when its your turn its not a problem. And get a good quality cover that doesn't fall off so your not wasting time looking for a cover. Also a cover that allows you to easily select the correct club. My Titleist clubs were beautiful when I received them and I want them to stay that way.
  30. I use iron headcovers but look what happen to my new ap2 pw this afternoon when taking a swing in the middle of the fairway.
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  31. Was it a rock or something? That sucks.
  32. Deno

    New Jersey

    Nay to iron covers for me. I like the "bag clang". That's the pure sound of golf for me. I do clean my irons after every round.... battle scars and all.


    Use them religiously. I didnt pay 1500 bucks for irons to have them dinged up and looking 10 years old in the first 3 months. I play with some jokers thatll unclip my bag from the cart when I'm not looking. I take off and bang! All my clubs come crashing down. Id rather keep them pristine for years to come
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  34. Joey L

    Joey L
    Walnut Creek

    MEGA_MAN_XIII said:

    Use them religiously. I didnt pay 1500 bucks for irons to have them dinged up and looking 10 years old in the first 3 months. I play with some jokers thatll unclip my bag from the cart when I'm not looking. I take off and bang! All my clubs come crashing down. Id rather keep them pristine for years to come
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    Good choice. I can do without the marks on my clubs and the clang sound people seem to think is cool. I prefer the sound of a nice stike on the ball, the the sound of my clubs getting ruined.
  35. I keep the iron covers on when I’m going to the course but do take them off while I’m playing. Then clean afterwards & covers back on. Keeps them looking great longer. Enjoy!!
  36. My "friends" would only do that once to me! That's a fight waiting to happen!
  37. Jerry M

    Jerry M
    Dallas, TX

    I believe in joking people every now and then but destroying their property. So Not Right!! I have used iron covers in the past and they slid off my irons and we're never turned in. I don't begrudge people who use them....after all a lot of money is spent on them and you want that perfect condition when you trade, sell or donate them.
  38. That is a fight waiting to happen. Your friends have a sick sense of humor. I seen that happen to someone. No worse sight that a brand new driver head dented and snapped from the shaft
  39. Mark N

    Mark N
    Cascade, IA

    If my friends did that to me I would be looking for new golf partners. No respect for the clubs. I would never do that to anybodys clubs either. I take very good care of my babies to put up with that. Like to keep the grooves ding free as long as possible.
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